About Therapy


We are all individuals dealing with our own personal struggles and each of us has our own unique strengths and potential for growth.

It may be that you are suffering from debilitating anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the legacies of childhood or adult trauma, abuse, bereavement or loss. You may be dealing with difficulties in your current relationships or career, or facing major life transitions. You might be feeling stuck, having lost the capacity to feel joy and creativity, optimism and hope. Perhaps you’re struggling with self-confidence, your sense of your place in the world, your sexuality or gender identity.

Sometimes it can be harder to put your finger on what’s troubling you. Maybe you’re feeling a bit flat, and want to be able to live in a fuller and freer way. You may come to therapy because you want to know and understand yourself more deeply.

We all share the profoundly human need for relationship, to be recognized, understood and accepted for being ourselves.

I have a passion for my work; helping my clients make these longed-for changes. In developing greater self understanding and self acceptance, and crucially, letting go of negative, self-punishing thoughts and behaviours, the freedom to reach their full potential becomes possible.


The Therapy Process


Understanding the impact of early life and relationships and how we learnt to adapt is a fundamental part of this process. Recognising and understanding how strategies developed in childhood to survive can leave us stuck in unhealthy repetitive patterns, is the first step to freeing ourselves from them. Working together to learn new ways to manage anxiety and stress, and greater self-acceptance, may be key aspects of therapy.

As we explore together, you may become aware of parts of yourself you knew little about, the legacy of experiences you perhaps hadn’t allowed yourself to feel or recognise the impact of. Over time, this can allow you to experience and manage a much fuller range of emotions. This can lead to you feeling more alive and creative, more connected to yourself and to those around you. You may feel more able to make more positive, conscious choices, leading to meaningful and lasting changes in your life and in your relationships.